Sunday, February 03, 2008
so, today someone told me he's gonna marry me. but it wasn't a good moment. instead it was an awkward, i-wanna-kick-you-and-tell-you-that's-never-gonna-happen moment... b/c the guy doesn't know me. i mean, yes it's nice to get some boy attention - not gonna lie - but not when it's all flattery and no substance, and not when it's so presumptuous! african men - bah! the cultural differences can sometimes make for serious frustrations. this guy couldn't even tell you whether or not i have any siblings. he's only ever met one of my hangout friends. and there he was, quoting, 'the Lord will give you the desires of your heart' at me, telling me we were 'meant to be' and that he loves me. GAG! this from the guy whose constant phone calls i've completely ignored. GET A CLUE! not a good way to end church. whew! just had to rant about that. anyway, church was good. thought-provoking. the sermon was actually about something tim and i chatted about in college once. the passage was from the first part of james 2, talking about not showing favoritism. it made me want to learn greek. while i understand that we should not (nor does God) base things on outward appearances or lauded accomplishments or whatever, i think there's truth in saying that God does give His favor to particular, chosen people. anyway, the wanting to learn greek thing springs from wanting to know whether the word "favoritism" in verse 9 implies the 'based on earthly, non-heart matters' or whether i need to do more thinking to discriminate between God granting His favor to someone b/c of their heart/faith/righteousness and us being instructed to not play favorites. i often consider both the firstborn and the israelites when thinking through this issue. and it still confuses me. i'm starting to worry about getting all my direct client hours at assist. i may have to start working longer days there. ugh. i saw an ad for robin hood's second season on bbc america!!! april. everything's coming back in april. (which is after the nce and exit exams, so i won't be too torn between studying and robin hood.) good news is that m&k have already agreed to buy me season 2 when the dvds come out (which should be june-ish). WOOHOO! sad-ish news is that jonas (robin) has said he's ready to check out after season 3. but i guess it's better to end things strong... this weekend's been total fun. friday lunch with sharon, friday dinner with the ics girls, saturday lunch with dave and roxie, saturday dinner with m&k. fri night i didn't get home until 2:30am after having met up at 7pm or so. sat lunch went for over 3 hours. so many good times.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
yesterday i decided that it was time to actually celebrate mlk day for what it is - not a convenient holiday, but rather a tribute to a man who i'm convinced (and i am far, far, far from alone) altered the course of american history. i got all kitted out in super-dooper cold weather gear, drove to the metro, took it to foggy bottom, then walked down to the lincoln memorial. there i stood and listened for the first time (which i'm a bit ashamed to admit) to mlk's 'i have a dream' speech. thank goodness for warm yoga pants that fit under jeans and phones that play mp3s. yesterday's driving tip: if you are going more slowly than you wish, please realize that riding the bumper of the person in front of you (if they're not the ones causing the slow-down) will not, in fact, help you at all. in fact, the likelihood of an accident becomes astronomically higher. then maybe you can cause a slow-down, too. ski trip (okay, i only tubed) summation: 1 concussion, 1 broken finger, 1 van-plowing-into-brian's-truck incident, 1 night of barely any sleep, 1 night of sleeping like a rock, a few aching muscles, and a good time. so, i've been telling myself that really, march is not too long to wait for the second series of robin hood to come to american tele. but now, having gone back and watched some of the first series again, i'm suddenly in a gigantic rush for them to air. having m&k watch battlestar galactica is having much the same effect. and i'm very bad at waiting. (p.s. soooooooo not helping that bones and the office are now all reruns.)
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Wednesday, January 09, 2008
gandhoori purple chicken. yep, that's what my parents and i had for dinner last night. nope, i'm not making this up; yes, it was actually purple; no, the gandhoori is completely random; yes, it was chicken and we did, in fact, eat it. it was an experiment, really. i always try to explain my cooking "style" to people, and most of the time they just shake their heads and write off what i'm saying as a "helen whimsy". but it's true: bread speaks to me; desserts and i have a temperamental, but healthy, way of communicating; and meat and i are not on speaking terms. so when i decided to spearhead the dinner-making last night by making jax's ritz broccoli dish, i was more than excited to have mom doing most of the rest of the work. however, knowing that i'm trying to become a better (okay, decent is probably more appropriate) cook, she allowed me to make some creative decisions regarding the chicken: olive oil over bacon grease, bordeaux to let it simmer in, ginger for seasoning. it was actually pretty good. and purple. so, just a tip. if you get upset enough at a horn honk to exit your vehicle on a highly trafficked thoroughfare to yell at the person who honked, you may have an anger management problem. and if, say, the person wasn't honking at you but at the person in front of you, you may have an even bigger anger management problem. and if you happen to have gotten not honked at b/c you're not following the traffic pattern's intended design, you should perhaps learn to go right at the light to take a left on queensberry just like the nice, smart, non-aggressive sign tells you to. (to the tune of "i've got a golden ticket":) i've got a practicum site! i felt a lot like charlie on monday when i got my contract signed and my schedule worked out just before class. SO nice. so now, the unveiling of my new schedule: M: 8.30-11.30, office; 11.45-3, practicum; 6-9 (really 5-9.30 with traffic), class. T: 8.30-11.30, office; 11.45-3, practicum; 6.30ish-?, dinner w/parentals. W: 8.30-3.30, office. R: 8.30-11.30, office; 11.45-3, practicum. F: 8.30-12.30, office. S: ? Su: 10.45-12.15 church; 5-7.30, youth group. woohoo! i have an actual schedule!!! now let's see if i can stick to it... i wore flip-flops yesterday and wasn't the only one. weird.
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Wednesday, December 05, 2007
so, the good news is that it's beautiful and snowy outside. the bad news is that the most promising practicum site has fallen through. i'm actually not that upset about it, though, and have already started calling other places. i'm pretty sure God'll either send me to the right place or tell me to ditch the lpc track, get my hsc master's, and run. we'll see. honestly, more and more i'm wishing i'd be done with school already. as we're planning at work for our enormous convocation, i'm realizing i'm gonna be doing a heck of a lot of work. and that, of course, makes me sad. in other news, amazing grace was pretty good - go ioan! i'm gonna go warm me up some chicken and dumpling soup, grab a blanket, and watch... something. likely robin hood for the 87 millionth time or doctor who, the last two episodes of the second season, i think it was. 'cause i think martha was third, but i always get confused by the pre-david tennant guy's season. whatever. anyway, yeah. something british. keep warm!
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Friday, November 30, 2007
so, it's been... a while. and though i'd love to say i had some glorious epiphany, which is why i felt the need to start up the ole blog again, that's not the reason. reason 1: in an interview, the lady asked me how i relax. i said that being able to just sit and write (usually in a bookshop somewhere) really refreshes me. but i don't get to do that very often, so, consider blogging a stopgap in my pursuit of sanity. reason 2: i ditched facebook. reason 3 (the most important one): i'm supposed to be writing a paper right now. or at least planning the presentation to go with it. currently wishing for: a lotus exige, wisdom for middle east leaders in talks, oodles of Christmas music, dvds of dr. who, top gear, and robin hood (season 2), more time for this paper, and sleep. told you it was nothing earth-shattering.
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Tuesday, July 03, 2007
alan johnston is free!!! what a great start to independence day!!! praise God. p.s. happy almost birthday, daddy!
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
wow, so, it's been a while. between class, work, youth group, deja dead, the lucifer effect, robin hood, and 7050 miles on my car, i've managed to acquire another nephew!  edmund luke joined the outside world this morning around 5am, via c-section, after putting his poor mother through a ridiculous amount of labor. he weighs 9lbs, 8ozs, and is healthy and adorable! his parents, grandparents, and at least one uncle are busily catching up on sleep (as though that's possible for new parents). anyway, TOTAL excitement! the only truly sad part is that i won't be able to get down there for a good while yet to see him... but still, i'm glad all is well, and i got to talk to trisha today already, so i'm content. the other day i was feeling financially reckless, which happens from time to time, so i went out and bought the bbc series " robin hood". and then i spent the next two or three days watching it. actually, i've watched at least one episode every day since i bought it... on saturday? actually, maybe thursday... see? my concept of time is already gone. anyway, i am, in case you're daft, LOVING it. now, granted, robin hood is my absolute favoritest legend, hero, good guy, whatever EVER, so it takes a lot to convince me you've screwed his tale up, but still. *contented sigh* now, in buying this, i began to have a sense of guilt that these dvds, things, were making me happy. but then i realized that that makes total sense. things should make you happy, otherwise why would anyone ever buy them? the idea is that happiness should not be what you're chasing. i thought through that right after i bought " robin hood" and became pleased that i enjoyed the series (having never seen any of it before), and then we talked about happiness versus contentedness in sunday school, as if to reinforce the point. for the record, i don't usually buy things willy nilly - frivolous things, at least. i won't spend more than $10 on a dvd (unless i'm super desperate, but note that i haven't yet purchased dear frankie b/c of its price tag), and i don't buy things unless i've seen and enjoyed them (with the exception of the buy 4 for $20 blockbuster deal, where you'd spend just as much to rent a movie anyway, so for 65cents or so more, you get to walk away with something). so this was weird, and actually, i use the term financially reckless b/c i didn't think, "i wanna go buy ' robin hood'." i thought, "i wanna go blow some money on something that's probably not the wisest thing for me to buy." and then i thought of " robin hood". the lucifer effect. it's amazing. i'm fascinated by it, even though parts of it are hard to read or keep myself from imagining. for any psychologically minded people out there, it's worth your while. p.s. for jax, a shot of my first pedicure:
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