so, it's been a while. between class, work, youth group,
deja dead,
the lucifer effect,
robin hood, and 7050 miles on my car, i've managed to acquire another nephew!

edmund luke joined the outside world this morning around 5am, via c-section, after putting his poor mother through a ridiculous amount of labor. he weighs 9lbs, 8ozs, and is healthy and adorable! his parents, grandparents, and at least one uncle are busily catching up on sleep (as though that's possible for new parents). anyway, TOTAL excitement! the only truly sad part is that i won't be able to get down there for a good while yet to see him... but still, i'm glad all is well, and i got to talk to trisha today already, so i'm content.
the other day i was feeling financially reckless, which happens from time to time, so i went out and bought the bbc series "
robin hood". and then i spent the next two or three days watching it. actually, i've watched at least one episode every day since i bought it... on saturday? actually, maybe thursday... see? my concept of time is already gone. anyway, i am, in case you're daft, LOVING it. now, granted, robin hood is my absolute favoritest legend, hero, good guy, whatever EVER, so it takes a lot to convince me you've screwed his tale up, but still. *contented sigh* now, in buying this, i began to have a sense of guilt that these dvds,
things, were making me happy. but then i realized that that makes total sense. things should make you happy, otherwise why would anyone ever buy them? the idea is that happiness should not be what you're chasing. i thought through that right after i bought "
robin hood" and became pleased that i enjoyed the series (having never seen any of it before), and then we talked about happiness versus contentedness in sunday school, as if to reinforce the point. for the record, i don't usually buy things willy nilly - frivolous things, at least. i won't spend more than $10 on a dvd (unless i'm super desperate, but note that i haven't yet purchased
dear frankie b/c of its price tag), and i don't buy things unless i've seen and enjoyed them (with the exception of the buy 4 for $20 blockbuster deal, where you'd spend just as much to rent a movie anyway, so for 65cents or so more, you get to walk away with something). so this was weird, and actually, i use the term financially reckless b/c i didn't think, "i wanna go buy '
robin hood'." i thought, "i wanna go blow some money on something that's probably not the wisest thing for me to buy." and
then i thought of "
robin hood".
the lucifer effect. it's amazing. i'm fascinated by it, even though parts of it are hard to read or keep myself from imagining. for any psychologically minded people out there, it's worth your while.
p.s. for jax, a shot of my first pedicure: