Friday, April 27, 2007
so, my school made it on the daily show last night... i can't quite decide how i feel about it, b/c everyone up here has always agreed that we're glad we don't go to the school down there. so, since we do kind of have a separate mentality, i wasn't terribly offended. actually, i was more offended that the jokes surrounding it weren't that funny... except for the "university setting" one. and then, i got to be a bit saddened/amused (on my coworker's behalf) by the colbert report's interview with guamanian rep. madeleine bordallo. *shakes head* poor american territory in asia. anyway, it was a little fun to feel slightly like i had a personal stake in what they were saying - after the hungarian-heavy episode, it's starting to become a habit... :) anyway, be good, kids! the end of the semester is coming, and the grade fairy knows whether you've been naughty or nice. two more nights. two exams. two-ish papers. two more children of dune quotes to send you on your way... "governments, if they endure, always tend increasingly toward aristicratic forms. no government in history has been known to evade this pattern. and as the aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in the interests of the ruling class - whether that class be hereditary royalty, oligarchs of financial empires, or entrenched bureaucracy" (190). "'you, priest in your mufti,' the preacher called, 'you are a chaplain to the self-satisfied. i come not to challenge muad'dib [the dune series messiah, of sorts] but to challenge you! is your religion real when it costs you nothing and carries no risk? is your religion real when you fatten upon it? is your religion real when you commit atrocities in its name? whence comes your downward degeneration from the original revelation? answer me, priest!... muad'dib [and his son] risked! they paid their price! and what did muad'dib achieve? a religion which is doing away with him!'" (225) i just found both of those interesting and fairly applicable to current society in a lot of ways. bye, now!
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i'm glad someone agrees with me...
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
so, my car will hit 5,000 4,800 [i don't know where my brain was when i wrote this... obviously not in its right mind][randomly, think about this sentence: it's environmental in nature.] miles today. i never thought the term milestone would be so appropriate... speaking of milestones, i also applied for a passport yesterday - my first one as an adult! i'm pretty excited about that, really. randomly, this exchange is from a long time ago, but i remembered it the other day and laughed out loud, so i thought i'd share. (the precise wording is a bit hazy, but you'll get the gist.) mom: alright, getting in [the car]'ll take me a minute 'cause i've got all this stuff to carry. dad: why don't you just put it in the trunk [of my car]? mom: b/c you've got junk in your trunk! helen: *gigglefit* work is boredom right now. everyone at my office is in malaysia, but i need to be here full-time to make deposits and answer phones. (not that we've gotten more than 5 calls or so this week, but, y'know.) i've been out of the house at 8:10 and only make a short bird-feeding and deodorant stop there before i finally get home after class at 9:20 or so. it's a long day. remind me not to become a workaholic. speaking of that, i thought work'd be good 'cause i'd be SO bored i'd write all my papers. let's just say i underestimated my procrastinating spirit... left for this semester: 1 low-stress presentation (4/25) 1 first-person, 15-page paper (due 5/2) 1 in-class, open-book (praise the Lord!) exam (5/2) 1 take-home, open-everything exam (due 5/3, presumably) i bought my books online today, so between that and the expedited passport, i'm a little on the broker side. however, i am working full-time for a week, which means my paycheck might just even things out. is it wrong to listen to chevelle while you're working in a Christian office with a lot of old-school type Christians? i hope not. i'm anticipating comments, though, i have to say. i'm off to open mail - the highlight of my day! (please note that if i had time to go see my nephew, THAT would be the highlight. i'll take him way over mail any day. actually, i'd likely take any of you over mail. you're pretty cool, after all.)
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Friday, April 20, 2007
they done brunged it back!!!! party at my place when i get a bazillion million dollars and can buy my own exige...
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I'M AN AUNT!!! (for legal this time!) michael lee was born on saturday, which was when the baby shower was supposed to be... whoops! he was 5 and 1/2 weeks early or so, but he was a good 6lbs, 4ozs and 18ins long! he's still in the nicu at the moment for a few breathing issues, which, while stressful for his parents, is probably best for him at the moment. better to have bunches of qualified professionals keeping constant track of him than having mom and dad constantly worry about him at home... anyway, he's ADORABLE (partially b/c he was a c-section baby, partially b/c his parents gave him good genes... we all know older siblings steal all the best genes. not that i'm bitter or anything. *cough*). so, i've considered posting about the vt incident, but i just can't think of anything worth saying that hasn't been said. obviously, please keep all the students and their families in your prayers, including the parents of the shooter. and randomly, i ran across this quote that, though old and from a scifi book, i like: "This is the age of the shrug... Our civilization could well die of indifference within it before succumbing to external attack" (Children of Dune, 149). no one in my classes has any motivation. we all have papers to be writing and exams to be worrying about, but we're just... not. we have an 8-12 page research paper due tuesday, and only one person has started working on it, to my knowledge (and that's only b/c she's on her honeymoon and so finished it before she left). it's not just that the school's closing (which they are, after next fall... which won't affect me really at all but will definitely put some people in really odd or frustrating situations) or that it's spring or that we have nothing left to learn. even one professor gave us the night off, and another let us out early. no one's interested any longer. i'm here at the office all day, and will be working full-time next week. if anyone wants to drop by, i'll likely be pretty bored. my co-workers all left me for malaysia. :( pray nothing falls apart at the office while i'm here alone! okay, back to a stupid two-page paper (read: busywork) in which the professor, who's divorced and getting remarried, asks us to discuss what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage. loaded question much?
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
it's been a while since i've written or read anything to do with blogs. okay, a while for me. class and life have both been a bit overwhelming and busy, which you think i'd be used to by now... we found out yesterday or so via e-mail that regent is shutting down its dc campus. the ridiculously vague e-mail gave no indication of timeline and so gave all of us a bit of anxiety. today during class there was an impromptu meeting to give us a bit more information and separate those who should panic from those who should not. (in case you're wondering, i was on the no worries list, so even though i'm a bit perplexed at the shutting down of the campus after the program finally got a decent enrollment, i'm not panicked.) anyway, also since i last posted, dad got his knee operated on. he was/is walking around with a cane and was on vicadin for about a day, plus he was as grumpy as, well, he always is, so many "house" references were made. :D and the one hungarian lady that goes to my church is about to have the very same part of her knee operated on, which is just weirdly coincidental. easter was good. a bit... slow-moving. but good. i'm feeling very unepiphanical at the moment. i think i used all my brain power for the week on my exam and paper. i've been really moody lately - moody in the sense that i'll have three or four times each day that i think, 'i should watch that movie/listen to that song... i'm TOTALLY in the right mood for it.' the problem comes at times like now when i could've popped in a movie to sleep to, but now i don't recall any of the movies i've considered, plus i doubt i'd still be in the mood for them. the weirdness that is me. oh! now i remember why i needed to post. i was going to share the quote of the month with you, even if it is slightly sad and weird if you don't know larry bramble or the circumstances surrounding its utterance. "helen belongs at aa meetings like i belong at church." i think it mostly just makes me happy that barry still remembers who i am, at least enough to say the above. how can you not love barry? (no one comment that you can if you don't know him. it's simply not true.) anyway, i got the quote from diane when she dropped by for dinner. good times, funny times. tripping drunk guys crack me up! sadly, i missed ang, but i'll make sure to catch up with her later. i killed my hair. i don't know what chemical combination did it, but between my shampoo, conditioner, and spray stuff, vanessa became decidedly unhappy. and she let me know. i feel bad. okay, to sleep with me. i'm babbling, and i need to get up tomorrow (and not drink coffee). g'night!
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