in the refining fire

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Friday, April 20, 2007
I'M AN AUNT!!! (for legal this time!)
michael lee was born on saturday, which was when the baby shower was supposed to be... whoops! he was 5 and 1/2 weeks early or so, but he was a good 6lbs, 4ozs and 18ins long! he's still in the nicu at the moment for a few breathing issues, which, while stressful for his parents, is probably best for him at the moment. better to have bunches of qualified professionals keeping constant track of him than having mom and dad constantly worry about him at home... anyway, he's ADORABLE (partially b/c he was a c-section baby, partially b/c his parents gave him good genes... we all know older siblings steal all the best genes. not that i'm bitter or anything. *cough*).

so, i've considered posting about the vt incident, but i just can't think of anything worth saying that hasn't been said. obviously, please keep all the students and their families in your prayers, including the parents of the shooter.

and randomly, i ran across this quote that, though old and from a scifi book, i like: "This is the age of the shrug... Our civilization could well die of indifference within it before succumbing to external attack" (Children of Dune, 149).

no one in my classes has any motivation. we all have papers to be writing and exams to be worrying about, but we're just... not. we have an 8-12 page research paper due tuesday, and only one person has started working on it, to my knowledge (and that's only b/c she's on her honeymoon and so finished it before she left). it's not just that the school's closing (which they are, after next fall... which won't affect me really at all but will definitely put some people in really odd or frustrating situations) or that it's spring or that we have nothing left to learn. even one professor gave us the night off, and another let us out early. no one's interested any longer.

i'm here at the office all day, and will be working full-time next week. if anyone wants to drop by, i'll likely be pretty bored. my co-workers all left me for malaysia. :( pray nothing falls apart at the office while i'm here alone!

okay, back to a stupid two-page paper (read: busywork) in which the professor, who's divorced and getting remarried, asks us to discuss what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage. loaded question much?
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