in the refining fire

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
i had totally neglected to post emotion eric under boredom cures in my linx... i went to find it just now b/c it took up just the right amount of time for me to get inspired to finish the last two questions of my exam. single spaced, and with one-inch margins all around, i'm already halfway through page 5. with the last two questions, i'll probably be at a full six pages. most of my papers are longer than this and take me less time. (i was up 'til 5:45 this morning working on it, partially distracted by, well, you saw. or you haven't yet read my last post.) anyway, i need to kick this thing before my caffeine wears off. i've been mostly working on it since i got home from work at 12ish. what a drag!!! pray i make it back tonight at 9 in one piece with both eyes open. i discovered this morning that doing that whole resting one eye at a time thing doesn't quite cut it when you're driving... distance vision and all that. (okay, so seriously, i would sleep in my car for a bit of rest if i weren't up for driving. i've done it before and have more qualms about driving with the threat of falling asleep than i do about locking all my doors and asking someone to call me fifteen minutes later. so don't actually worry.)

okay, back to it!
Awww! I'd forgotten about Emotion Eric! Thanks for the procrastination tool. Though it's not nearly as fun without roomates at 3 in the morning.
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