Wednesday, February 28, 2007
i had totally neglected to post emotion eric under boredom cures in my linx... i went to find it just now b/c it took up just the right amount of time for me to get inspired to finish the last two questions of my exam. single spaced, and with one-inch margins all around, i'm already halfway through page 5. with the last two questions, i'll probably be at a full six pages. most of my papers are longer than this and take me less time. (i was up 'til 5:45 this morning working on it, partially distracted by, well, you saw. or you haven't yet read my last post.) anyway, i need to kick this thing before my caffeine wears off. i've been mostly working on it since i got home from work at 12ish. what a drag!!! pray i make it back tonight at 9 in one piece with both eyes open. i discovered this morning that doing that whole resting one eye at a time thing doesn't quite cut it when you're driving... distance vision and all that. (okay, so seriously, i would sleep in my car for a bit of rest if i weren't up for driving. i've done it before and have more qualms about driving with the threat of falling asleep than i do about locking all my doors and asking someone to call me fifteen minutes later. so don't actually worry.) okay, back to it!
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
i've spilled about eight things on myself today (slight exaggeration) and i'm waaaaaay behind in my schoolwork (and laundry), but i couldn't be happier. i'm in flip-flops and a light shirt today - the weather's ridiculously beautiful. i got to talk with trisha, which i hadn't gotten to do in forever. and i left work at 11:15 to go to lunch... which we didn't return from 'til 3:00!!! poor dan... he had no idea what he was getting himself into. anyway, time to work. be good, y'all! *time elapses* (about 10 hours or so) okay, so now i'm sort of kind of half-heartedly updating b/c i'm watching arts tv, and this guy is cracking me up and impressing me all at the same time! i'll find out what it is in a minute and then go see if i can find it on the web to share with all of you... bryn terfel, baritone, singing "wotan's farewell", wagner... i can't find a video clip of it, but i ain't a-lookin' very hard either. i'm too busy watching mikhail baryshnikov. and avoiding my exam. that's due by 6pm. some other really good thing happened to me today, and i can't quite recall what it was. it wasn't that bayo got a five-year extension on his work permit, though that's AWESOME. it wasn't that i got a free lunch thanx to dave and his culture, though that was pretty fun, too. it wasn't that i only had to sit through two hours of class instead of three b/c we had the practicum meeting, but that was nice. it's not that i'm on break next week, though YIPPEE! it's not that my new shower curtain is up, though i am happy to let the mildew go. i really can't figure it out. but at least a lot of cool things've happened to me today! now i'm just looking for excuses to not do my work. like the fact that the recycling has to go out... byeee!
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Sunday, February 11, 2007
from developmental marriage & family class, in which we were asked to come up with lines people use to pressure someone into having sex and then to come up with replies to shoot them down. as you can see, my group started off pretty normal and ended fairly wittily... "I love you." "If you loved me, you'd wait." "Don't you trust me?" "I trust you not to pressure me." "Everyone's doing it..." "Like your parents?" "God made us sexual beings." "Let's chat with Him, then." "Are you a lesbian?" "No, but you might drive me to it." "Is there any room for me in those jeans?" "After dinner, there's barely room for me!" "Do you wanna die a virgin?" "I don't wanna die with you being the only person I've slept with!" anyway, i just thought i'd share. our group was the only one who really had fun with it... i encourage you to come up with your own pick up lines and responses. good stuff. in other news, i can't recall what i last blogged about, so i'm sure there's a big chunk of time missing ('cause y'all really keep track of that, i'm sure) (all two of ya)... don't be offended if you're in that chunk. i still need to unpack from fla and then i hafta unpack what i packed for the youth group sleepover (muchly from the fla packing job). so my stuff is strewn about, and i still have lots of other things to do. ugh! (the rest of this blog is mostly one big whining fit. i didn't mean for it to go that way, but it did. it's just on my mind. read at your own peril...) to do list: read. read. read. journal (for class). journal (for another class). go to aa (also for class). run on elliptical (also for class). work. shower. go to class. go to church. go to youth group. return phone calls. return e-mails. set up tape for bones. pray for snow (enough to cancel class tues & wed). eat a meal. do laundry. sleep. and yes, they tend to go in that order. that's why i still haven't called amy or eric, who're both deserving of my time. and actually, by the time i get down to the return phone call part, i'm not usually in a very personable mood, and so i put it off. i can't recall the last time i had a normal, long, catch-up conversation with trisha. and i last talked to betsy in december, when i last saw tim. and i haven't seen amy since new year's. and my life is just... booked. i'm gonna go now to possibly shower and definitely watch some brainless television. i know it's not on the list, but i'm recognizing that i get ubercranky if i don't do at least one mindless thing each day.
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Sunday, February 04, 2007
so, randomly, here's an interesting article for all of us who think america is a bit work-focused and -obsessed. and here are some quotes from my office... "it's gonna lose its little fizzaroo" -jackie f. "i'm just gonna save everything that's on your desktop to your my documents folder." "but i'm taking my laptop with me..." "no, i mean, the files that you see on your screen, i'm just gonna drag them into my documents." "oh, okay." "have you saved any files anywhwere else?" "no, no, i don't think so. oh, except word! i do use word... you should make sure to save that." -my convo with sam "here, helen, you can have half of my lunch." "no, don't worry about it..." "no, really! here, i brought a lot!" "no, seriously, if i need to, i'll just go to safeway. actually, i'm kind of in the mood for ramen anyway. that's so strange since i haven't had ramen since college, really." *as i'm talking, lourdes reaches down and opens her desk drawer and rummages around* "so don't worry about me." *as i say this, lourdes plunks down a package of ramen for me to eat* *i die of laughter, b/c who but lourdes would keep ramen in their desk* in other news: i'm all kinds of in florida, stayin' with the jax and her fam and her animals. good times, good times. i may blog more about it later if i want you to be jealous...
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