in the refining fire

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Friday, November 30, 2007
so, it's been... a while. and though i'd love to say i had some glorious epiphany, which is why i felt the need to start up the ole blog again, that's not the reason. reason 1: in an interview, the lady asked me how i relax. i said that being able to just sit and write (usually in a bookshop somewhere) really refreshes me. but i don't get to do that very often, so, consider blogging a stopgap in my pursuit of sanity.
reason 2: i ditched facebook.
reason 3 (the most important one): i'm supposed to be writing a paper right now. or at least planning the presentation to go with it.

currently wishing for: a lotus exige, wisdom for middle east leaders in talks, oodles of Christmas music, dvds of dr. who, top gear, and robin hood (season 2), more time for this paper, and sleep.

told you it was nothing earth-shattering.
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